101 Important Words of the Bible

& the Unforgettable Story They Tell

Len Woods writes in a warm conversational style as he unpacks the richness of 101 God-breathed words from the Bible. He not only explains each word’s meaning in the context of Scripture, but issues a challenge to apply this word to your own life. Both informational and devotional in style, the book makes a great addition to daily quiet time with God.

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Len Woods writes in a warm conversational style as he unpacks the richness of 101 God-breathed words from the Bible. He not only explains each word’s meaning in the context of Scripture, but issues a challenge to apply this word to your own life. Both informational and devotional in style, the book makes a great addition to daily quiet time with God.

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Language English
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 296
PubDate 1 Jan 2000
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